A+ StairLifts of Pittsburgh

Your Smartest Choice for Affordable Stairlift Solutions

A+ StairLifts of Pittsburgh

Your Smartest Choice for Affordable Stairlift Solutions

A+ StairLifts of Pittsburgh provides residential stairlift installations. We are an authorized dealer to some of the leading stairlift manufacturers in the industry. New, pre-owned, outdoor and custom fabricated curve stairlift systems are available as well as short term rentals. We pride ourselves on offering free in-home assessments on very short notice and in some cases, we can even install a stairlift on the same day. Celebrating our 10th year in business, A+ Stairlifts of Pittsburgh is honored to have earned the trust and respect of numerous healthcare professionals to help their patients. Owner Carl D’Alicandro, CSA, is a Certified Senior Advisor and is a member of the following organizations: National Aging in Place Council (NAIPC), American Society on Aging (ASA), American Case Management Association (ACMA), Southwestern Partnership on Aging (SWPPA), and Case Management Society of America (CMSA).


2828 Broadway Blvd #9 Monroeville, Pennsylvania 15146